Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tadka Mar Ke!!!

Caution: Do not weigh  following article in terms of Politics. Just enjoy it !!!

One interesting case study for behavioural science lovers:

Britten had boycotted Mr. Modi for a long time till now. Now consider it as Modi effect or British policy to strengthen bilateral ties with regional mammoths for future diplomacy. A surprise visit came  from British envoy Jmaes Bron recently. Some interesting facts came out from the photographs taken during this meet.
During his visit Mr. Baron quoted, " UK is endorsing Gujarat not Mr. Modi."
We all know that people always do not mean what they say. We have to keep an  eye on their subtle signals also. But to search for something we should know what we are looking for. So in the jargons of Behavioural science it is told with terms like verbal and nonverbal communication.

In a nutshell, some facts for handshakes in non verbal communication are as follows:

1) The handshake is a way a man could cement commercial deal with each other.
2) From the style of handshake the expert can read dominance, submission or equality in the relation.
3)These attitudes are send and received unnoticed but they covertly controls the outcome.

4) When two world leader or say power person meet you could see power struggle between them in their hand shakes.

5) When leaders are posing for photographs like this,the thumb rule to win power struggle is to stay on the left side. The person who stands on left side is perceived by the viewers the dominant one. These are the results obtained by scientists after numbers of experiments.

6) Double hander handshake - This handshake is done to take control over receiver's right hand to gain power control. It increases physical contact.

This type of handshake is mostly used when someone you trust or some friend you meet. When used on a person just met it feels the receiver's mind with suspicious about your intentions. And the other person might feel at unease.

This can be consider as miniature hug.

Now, back to business:

Look at this photograph, The expression on Shri Nrendra Modi's face and James Baron's, it looks like they found a repo between them and they share a instant connection. It also sends message that you are important to me.

Now, in this photograph James Baron looks uninterested so I thought he might be tired because of hectic schedule.

He looked like an alien in the meeting.

Watch this video and just study James Baron's expressions also Shri Arjun Modhwadia tried a double hander.

Hope, you enjoyed it.

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